Sunday, February 16, 2014

Tips for Angel Food Cake

Here are some helpful tips to make perfect Angel Food Cake, courtesy of Grandma Bauer:

1. First you need to start with very cold kitchen equipment, make sure to put your mixing bowl and hand-mixer beaters in the refrigerator a couple hours before you want to make the cake.

2. Clean your Angel Food Cake loaf pan or circular pan right before using, to insure there are no dust or food particles have been left behind. You need to use a loaf pan or circular pan that is meant for Angel Food Cake, a regular bundt pan with not allow the cake to rise properly and you will not be able to remove the cake from the pan correctly.

3. Make sure to have all the ingredients and pan ready to use before you make the cake, that way the egg whites will not deflate or fall while you are preparing the pan.

4. Make sure to use ice cold water in the cake mix.

5. Follow instructions on back of the cake mix box, my Grandma uses Duncan Hines Angel Food Cake mix.

6. Bake the cake until it is nicely browned, very dry to the touch, and has risen.

7. After the cake comes out of the oven, hang the pan upside down (if you pan doesn't have legs, you can prop it up on a long-neck bottle) until completely cooled. If using a loaf pan, turn upside down and prop up the two short edges so the pan is lifted off the counter about an inch.

8. Once the cake has cooled completely, you should be able to easily remove the cake from the pan. If the cake seems to stick, run a knife around the edges and then try to remove.

9. Serve with your favorite fruit and ice cream. You could also frost or lightly glaze the cake as well.


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