Monday, May 12, 2014

Cinnamon Apple Chips

My son loves cinnamon apple straws, so he will go into our pantry, find the bag, sit on the floor and eat the apple straws until I find him sneaking a snack. My son is 14 months old, so I am pretty impressed he can find the bag of apple straws, since I tend to hide it deep within the pantry for this very reason. So, I set out on a mission to try and find a healthier and cheaper version of apple straws that I could make at home. These Cinnamon Apple Chips hit the spot! They are slightly sweet, have the warming flavor of cinnamon, and are super crunchy. Everything my little boy likes!

Make sure the apple slices do not overlap on the baking sheet, otherwise they will not crisp up.

1 Granny Smith apple
Cinnamon, for dusting
Granulated sugar or brown sugar for dusting

Preheat the oven to 225 degrees and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. 

Slice the apple into 1/8 in slices, you can do this using a mandolin or a very sharp knife (be careful!). Make sure to remove any seeds from the apples, you do not want to eat them as apple seeds can be poisonous. Lay the apples in a single layer on the baking sheet and lightly dust with as much cinnamon and sugar as desired. Make sure the apple slices do not overlap, otherwise they will not crisp up.

Bake the apple chips for 1 hour, remove the baking sheet form the oven and flip the apple chips over. The apple chips will still be flimsy at this point. Return to the oven and bake another hour. Turn the oven off and allow the apple chips to cool completely in the oven. This is when the apple chips will crisp up and become crunchy. Store in an airtight container for up to 1 month, if someone doesn't eat them first! Enjoy!

Note: You can use whatever kind of apple you like, you just may need to adjust the baking time depending on the moisture content of the apple. 

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